-What should you do in case of an emergency?
Heart attack, burn, bleeding?
-How stressed are you? Are you a
hypochondriac? And a cybercondriac?
-Are you a superstitious person? What is your
star sign? Do you believe in the supernatural?
-How would you describe yourself? What
qualities should a good politician have? And a good friend?
-What advice would you give a candidate for a
job interview?
-What would be your ideal job? What aspects
are the most important? What are your priorities?
-Regrets and resolutions (and bucket list).
-What do you think of alternative medicine? Is it a scam or does it really help?
-Money is the priority in a job vs other
factors are more important in a job
Alternative medicine vs traditional medicine
-In favour of plastic surgery vs against plastic surgery
-Superstitions are fairy tales for gullible
people vs in some cases the supernatural is real
WRITING: You will have to write 2 texts of approximately 150-170 words
SPEAKING: You have to speak for about 4 minutes individually (monologue), and then for about 5 minutes with a partner, giving your opinion and debating in pairs (dialogue).WRITING AND SPEAKING: You will always have a choice between at least two options, so don't worry, in all the cases you will have an extra chance to escape from the topics you don't like ;)